AUC Logic Course feb-may 2011

Program second block:

Week 5 & 6

Introduction to Predicate Logic. Predicate logic has been introduced by the German philosopher Frege (1879). Its language is very expressive (with a bit of additional set-theoretic notation every mathematical statement can be expressed). The first two weeks we will learn how to `talk about the world' with predicate logic by means of translations of phrases in natural language into (predicate) logical form.
Week 7

Structures for predicate logic. We will discuss simple graphical structures to understand the meaning of predicate logical formulas. When is such a formula true, when is it false? How can you describe the difference between two structures by means of a predicate logical formula?
Week 8

Tableaux for predicate logic. This week we will discuss an extension of the tableaux system for propositional logic with rules for the two quantifiers such that the system can be used to detect validity or invalidity of a given inference. In the case of validity this new tableaux system is able to demonstrate this positive result (the system is complete). In the negative case, invalidity can not always be determined. This is a deficit for every system for testing validity for predicate logical inference (the validity issue for predicate logic is undecidable).
Week 9
Second class test on Wed 03/30, and
Guest Lecture 03/30 by prof. Frank Veltman.