INSTRUCTIONS. Type in a formula with the symbol-buttons left under the table. The formula appears step-by-step on the screen. Typing mistakes can be adjusted with the DEL-button.

Btw, if parentheses are forgotten the machine will fill in those himself! Beware, ambiguous input maybe disambiguated not the way you expected.


After the formula has been typed in click PUT to set up the table. The 0/1 digits are filled in for the proposition letters.

Click STEP to let the tabulator fill in the first column. Repeat clicking STEP to have the following columns filled in. In order to show the computation the columns that are used to calculate the current step will be indicated by a yellow arrow on top and yellow 0/1-digits. The new column that is computed will be indicated by a red arrow and red digits.

  To clear the whole table and the formula click CLEAR.